Morrow Project motorcycle

The MARS-ONE description mentions that it carries 2 motorcycles. I assume that they are dirtbikes – to be used for recon and liaison duties. However, these vehicles are not described.

The following is an attempt to rectify this omission: the MP Electric motorcycle


This is a real-world dirtbike. It’s manufactured by Zero Motorcycles of California and uses several components that were originally designed for mountain bikes (in fact, this machine could be described as an electrically-powered mountain bike)


Weight: 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
Max speed: 50mph (80.5 kph)

The performance of this bike is equivalent to a 125cc dirtbike.

A single charge of the battery will give a range of 40 miles, but the battery packs can be ‘hotswapped’ in mere seconds and fully recharge in about three hours.

Sacagawea and Amerind Weaponry: sidearms & rifles

Sacagawea produces a limited range of weaponry

Pistols: for the forces are usually revolvers – considered only as concealable backup weapons. The Amerind Empire uses a copy of the snubnose S & W Model 10, in 38 special. Wealthy individuals sometimes possess semi-automatic pistols, but this is more a question of fashion.


The Sacagawea paramilitary forces use a 6-5mm bolt action rifle.

Sacagawea: Laws & Law Enforcement

In Sacagawea, there are few laws – except for those that concern property. Penalties are harsh. beginning with flogging, or a day tied to a post in the Market. The more serious penalties include branding, mutilation or death. Citizens can be exiled for crimes against the City or the Empire.

Continue reading “Sacagawea: Laws & Law Enforcement”

Sacagawea: Social structure and government

Sacagawea has a Chief, who is selected by vote from all citizens. Only landowners above the age of 35 can stand for election. The Chief serves for 5 years – and cannot be re-elected.

The Sacagawea upper class is composed of those who are major landowners and have a claim to Amerind ancestry. Most come from the Nez Perce tribes, but there are also members of the Coeur d’Alene, the Kootenai, and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe.

Continue reading “Sacagawea: Social structure and government”

Sacagawea history and The Snake River Valley

The cities of Lewiston and Clarkston were lucky enough to be far enough away from the nukes. However they were situated on excellent communications routes and were in danger of being swamped by refugees.

Law and order rapidly collapsed – only the State College functioned as a provider of (tenuous) stability and government. The two cities were dying – until the the second winter after Death Day – when the tribes came off their reservations and brought food and security.
Continue reading “Sacagawea history and The Snake River Valley”

Citizens of Sacagawea

Most citizens of Sacagawea have some Amerindian ancestry – but it’s frankly admitted that this is pretty diluted and that the predominant ethnic heritage is an ‘Anglo’ ancestry. The social elite, however, are very conscious (some say self-conscious) of the Amerind background and take pride in it.

Sacagawea is a very cosmopolitan city and most races can be found – if only as visiting Merchants, Truckers or River Gypsies.

All inhabitants over the age of 15 are considered citizens – apart from bond servants, who acquire citizenship when their bond is completed.

Men and woman are legally equal – however, women are specifically prohibited from serving in the Amerind military.