Warriors of Krell & Morrow Project: a contrast in paramilitary cultures

(the following is an extract from an analysis given to KFS military officers.  It is classified as Top Secret)

KFS Secret Police have recently completed an analysis of a recent conflict between a Morrow Project Science Group and a force from the “Warriors of Krell” (Wok).  It should be noted that the MP forces consisted of approximately 80 personnel and the Krell forces were in excess of 1,000

The Krell were defeated.


There are 5 aspects to a paramilitary culture: creativity,  authority, personal initiative,  technical proficiency and group loyalty

1.  Creativity

Morrow Project teams have a certain method of approach:  to state (identify) a problem and then to  make an “appreciation”.  This “appreciation”  will examine all aspects of the problem then provide  potential solutions  for the Team Leader to select from.   In other words, the Morrow Project has found a way to engender creativity.  A way that also applies to armed conflict.

The Warriors of Krell actively discourage creative thinking.   They are indoctrinated to believe that “quantity will always beat quality” and that an individual Warrior does not need to think – only to obey

2.  Authority

The Morrow Project emphasises decentralized authority.   Personnel are encouraged and expected to make command decisions on their own.  Training emphasises that they need not seek authorization from their superiors

In contrast, Krell (when “awake”) personally determines the activities of every unit, handing down his orders via radio to his senior officers, who then relay them, unchanged, to their subordinates.  Officers are neither authorized nor encouraged to make decisions on their own. Rather, if Krell fails to communicate precise orders, they are expected to stop and consult him for further instructions, in person if necessary. As one Warrior put it,  “He communicates commands to us by radio message, regularly. If a week goes by without getting radio messages, then our commanders go to visit Krell”.

Krell makes it clear to his subordinates that he will not accept any deviation from his orders once they have been issued.   If anyone questions the orders, he has them executed, often immediately and in public. For example, when a fresh recruit questioned why the Warriors had been ordered to kill and maim civilians and steal their property,  he was immediately shot. According to one witness of the event, “no one… uttered a word again.”

3. Personal Initiative

The Morrow Project expects and rewards those who exercise personal initative.   Examples are numerous of well-motivated personnel taking appropriate and timely action.

The Warriors of Krell do not emphasize personal initiative. In fact, Krell specifically stifles personal initiative among his subordinates. For instance, as mentioned above, he does not permit subordinates to develop orders on their own, even to the point of requiring them to leave their positions in the field and visit him to obtain new orders.   Consequently, his officers are not likely to feel comfortable launching new operations on their own initiative. Moreover, his propensity to execute anyone who even questions his orders destroys any willingness to show initiative – because the risk associated with displeasing their supreme commander, by deviating from his stated plans, is too great for even the most ambitious and skilled subordinates.  Krell seems to deliberately create “mindless obedience”.

4.  Technical Proficiency

Morrow Project personnel were frequently observed training and retraining with their vehicles and weapons.  It was also noted that – if they encountered any new/unfamiliar technology or weaponry – they would quickly learn how to use it effectively.

Warriors of Krell have very limited technical proficiency.  Although new “recruits” go through an indoctrination process that they call “basic training,” this does not involve encouraging the recruits to learn how to use their weapons effectively.   On the contrary, the process forces recruits to observe and take part in deprivations against civilians, including beatings, rape, mutilations, torture, and murder.

Apparently, the Krell training process is designed to transform recruits into sadistic killers rather than trained soldiers.

5. Group Loyalty

From a KFS viewpoint, the Morrow Project’s internal cohesion appears similar to the esprit de corps of our better Regiments, however it is subtly different.  Personnel of all races – and from many different backgrounds – appear to be genuine friends with each other.   Human nature being what it is, there are examples of “office politics” and personality conflicts – but these are rare and discouraged.  Discipline on and off the battlefield seems to be excellent

In contrast , the WoK do not prize group loyalty.   Warriors are aware of this from the moment they join, since almost all were conscripted against their will during raids on civilian settlements.  During these raids, any potential recruit who offered concerted resistance would be executed in front of the rest to demonstrate that there was no possibility of escape. This also informed the new recruits that their commanders see them as expendable and might murder them on a whim.

Anyone who tries to “desert” from the Warriors is  immediately and publicly executed, without discussion or attempts at reconciliation, as a warning to the others. In addition to these threats, the WoK compels their disloyal personnel to remain by constructing a kind of “social prison”.    For example, many conscripts are forced to kill their own friends and families before being taken away to a Krell base camp.   Also, new recruits are usually tattooed and/or branded –  forever identifying them as Krell.  As one Warrior put it “Anyone seeing the branding will have the right to kill me”

Origins of Maxwell’s Militia

Maxwell’s Militia traces its ancestry to “Site R”: the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC)at Raven Rock Mountain, Pennsylvania (on the Pennsylvania/Maryland border). This underground base survived a near miss and the fallout from attacks on the nearby targets of Camp David and Fort Detrick (a bio-weapons facility).

Continue reading “Origins of Maxwell’s Militia”

22nd Century Rocket Artillery

The Morrow Project has numerous enemies and potential enemies that have “some” industrial/technological capability. This is a relatively low-tech (TL B) rocket artillery system based around the 70mm unguided rocket – mimicking one of the weapons on the MARS-ONE vehicle. Potential users include: The Kentucky Free State, Maxwell’s Militia and the Warrior’s of Krell (possibly using captured MP supplies)


Total weight of rockets, tubes and trailer is approximately 2 tons – well within the capabilities of the average truck. Statistics for the 70mm (or 2.75 inch) rockets are in the main rulebook. Direct Fire range is approximately 3km, but indirect fire can reach up to 10km.